Not Ultimate at All
This is not good news.
One of my favorite comics is the Ultimates Vol. 2 published by our pals at Marvel.
Some really cool stories by Mark Millar and great art by Bryan Hitch. We all knew they were leaving someday. And that day is hanging over us all now.
The replacements have been named.
Jeph Loeb and Joe Mad.
That's right Joe has made his triumphant return to comics to piss in the pages of one of my favorite books. It would be one of your favorites if you read it.
But no more.
The big ideas are gone. Jeph Loeb is a good writer, but he excels at the smaller, personal super-hero stories. The Ultimates is no place for that. But that's not the worst part.
Joe Madureira. Ugh. Take a look at the painstakingly rendered page I have so thoughtfully provided.
Now...I haven't seen any of the artwork that Joe is doing on the book. Not one stroke of the pencil. But I don't want him anywhere near this book. I am sure that he has legions of fans out there. I am not one of them. In fact, I hate his artwork...I don't like the over exaggerated manga style he has. And it will be an extra special blight on the eyes after getting to see Bryan Hitch's version of them for the last three or so years.
Joe! Don't do it!
For the love of Jeff...stay away from this book.
Go draw something for DC. Like Superman.
I am calling a pre-emptive suck on this.
Loeb does excell at small, personal hero stories - but i don't see hoow that disqualifies him to write the Ultimates. I don't belive it mean Ultimates will become suddenly touchy-feely. he's a great writer - let him write something first.
As to madeura - can't say - no strong opinions about his art so can't say.
so my challenge to you is to read an issue before dropping the book.
stay groovy.
I never said that I was dropping the book.
I am just complaining pre-emptively.
gotcha. You seemed so distressed i feared you might get all crazy and start reading books without pictures or something.
anyway - the real core of my statement is you might be doing yourself and loeb a disservice going in with that mindset.
I'm just saying.
I like Jeph Loeb.
But I like him whrn he does books like Superman: For All Seasons.
His Superman/Batman is convoluted AND confusing.
His Marvel Color Books are good character pieces without much plot.
I do not like Joe Mad's art. (Incidentally I do not calling him Joe Mad, but I cannot be bothered to learn to spell his whole name)
The Ultimates has been a big screen action movie. There was great characterization, but it was really about the bigger story.
Of course Jeph and Joe may be briliant on this book. If they are, I'll be the first to eat crow.
In fact, I'll clean it and cook it right here.
I just have low expectations.
Real low.
Oh...they still make book swithout pictures?
that might be just a rumor.
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