Friday, September 30, 2005

All Star Superman

Newsarama has an 8 page preview of All Star Superman.

ZOD in 2008

Shaggy passed this link on to me- At least Zod is honest. I don't see how he could be any worse than what we have now. Personally I'm hoping the Great Cthulhu will run again.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


A while back I was complaining about rip-offs, but now here's a rip-off I've been hoping to see for a long time. DC has finally decided to copy Marvel's Essential line. They are calling it Showcase Presents. Here's the description from DC's website-


Written by Jerry Siegel, Bill Finger and others; Art by Curt Swan, Dick Sprang and others; Cover by Swan and George Klein

Kicking off an exciting line of black-and-white reading library titles! This volume collects SUPERMAN #122-133 and ACTION COMICS #241-257, featuring the birth of the Silver Age Superman mythos, including the first appearances of Supergirl, Brainiac, the Fortess of Solitude and more!

DC Universe | 560pg. | B&W | Softcover | $9.99 US | ISBN 1401207588

On Sale September 28, 2005

Now I love the DC Archives editions, but lets face it, they are too damn expensive. $9.95 is a much more freindly price. Now DC just needs to rip-off the $1 B&W digests I've been seeing in Wall-mart and the dollar stores and everything will be right with the world.

Future volumes of Showcase presents include:
Justice League of America Vol. 1
Green Lantern Vol. 1
Jonah Hex Vo. 1
Metamorpho Vol. 1

Friday, September 23, 2005

New Comics

I know it's late, but they're not back issues until Monday.

So they're still new.

DC books to thrill us all.

DAY OF VENGEANCE #6 (OF 6) - Surpisingly, maybe the second best book of the Coutdown to Infinite Crisis thingie. Plus, it has Captain Marvel.

GREEN LANTERN CORPS: RECHARGE #1 (OF 5) - I like Geoff Johns. I like Green Lantern. I'm getting it.

JSA CLASSIFIED #3 - I really thought this was going to clear stuff up. But so far....

SUPERGIRL #2 - It would be nice to read a good Supergirl comic. Maybe this will turn into one.

And now...your pals at Marvel.

Black Panther #8 - I really liked this book when John Romita Jr. was drawing it. He isn't drawing it anymore.

Captain America #10 - I've really enjoyed this book. the best Captain America I can remember.

New Avengers #10- I like Bendis. I like the Avengers. Not the book I was hoping for.

Supreme Power Hyperion #1 (Of 5) - See my Nighthawk reason.

Ultimate Fantastic Four #23, $2.50 - Nice swiped artwork. Cool ideas.

Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual #1 - I like annuals. I remember when they were important comics. So far, these seem too. I'll get back to you on this.

Ultimates 2 #8 - I love this book. Even though they seem to have killed Hawkeye last issue. I have real problems with that.

Wolverine #32 - Bye Mark Millar. I'll miss you. Oh yeah. Bye Wolverine. I'm out after this one.

Some other books for you to consider.

Conan #20 - For the barbarian in us all. Really well drawn. Sometimes it's well-written too.

Adjust your pull lists accordingly. That is all.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Arrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!! Me Hearties

Tomorrow is International Talk Like a Pirate Day! Read all about it here.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

New Comics

I am running behind. Have been all week.

Still no reviews, but they are coming. Honest.

These are the books I'm buying this week.

Another light week for DC from me.

ALL STAR BATMAN AND ROBIN, THE BOY WONDER #2 - We have mentioned the first issue of this book. Not really well liked, even by the fanboys. Gonna give it another shot though. I think I am on record with my thoughts on Miller's writing. Bit of a disappointment so far.

DESOLATION JONES #3 - Another decompressed comic from the inventor of decompressed comics. If you wonder why comics that used to take 1-2 issues to tell a story now take six, blame Warren Ellis. I do.

JLA #118 - The Marvelization of DC continues. Backstabbing, shadows and grimacing. Well-written and lovingly drawn. Batman will kick the collective asses of his brainwashers. Because he's Batman, the baddest Mofo in all of DC. That's not me that sez it. It's DC.

JSA #77 - The best Super-team book, period. I know. Blasphemy coming from a card carrying true-believer. But what can I do? Make better team books, Marvel. I should have been buying it all along. Sorry, Geoff.

THE RANN/THANAGAR WAR #5 (OF 6)- I like this one the least of the preludes to Infinite Crisis. Too much going on for me to understand it all and remember with each month. I'll give it another read when I have all of them in hand. But it's pretty.

Marvel's light too. My wallet just stopped crying.

Daredevil Vs. Punisher #4- David Lapham (Stray Bullets) Writes and draws. Okay. Still waiting for something to happen.

Gravity #4- Very nice teen Super-hero book written by Sean McKeever.

Powers #13 - Crime and Super-heroes Written by Bendis and drawn by Oeming. You really should be reading this book. Shame on you if you're not.

Pulse #11 - Still unsure about this book. Great Hawkeye story last issue. This issue...Luke Cage and Jessica Jones' baby. Seriously.

Thor: Blood Oath #1 - My nephew likes Thor.

Ultimate X-men #63 - Yeah, yeah. It's better than you think.

That is all. Adjust your pull lists accordingly.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

House of M

Folks, I'm still waiting for someone to loan me the House of M books so I can give my fair and balanced opinion of the lame contrivances employed to bring Purple Arrow back to life. In the meantime I'm going to work on a review of Seven Soldiers and Countdown to Infinate Crisis. I'll post that as soon as possible.

Friday, September 09, 2005

500 Hits

Wow. Whatta Milestone.

I think it's mostly me...

That's not good...

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

New Comics


This is something that I am going to to try to do from now on.

These are the books that I plan to buy. My comics shop is a little on the crappy side, so I may not not be able to get everything.

And I do have a pull list, but a senior citizen is doing the pull lists. And she doesn't know anything about comics. She's kind of like Dominic.

Not much from DC this week. (Yes, I buy DC comics. I do not sit in an ivory tower and judge things like some people.)

SUPERMAN #221 (I recently started reading the Superman books. I plan to drop them at a moment's notice)
SUPERMAN/SHAZAM: FIRST THUNDER #1 (OF 4) (Shazam! is one of my favorite characters. Blow me)
VILLAINS UNITED #5 (OF 6) (Much more than it should have been. Who knew Catman wasn't such a tool?)

Now, the Marvel books. Not much from them either.

Fantastic Four: House Of M #3 (This has been a lot better than expected from past crossovers)
Ghost Rider 1 (ribic #1 (It's written by Garth Ennis. I have to give it a look at least. Yes, I know. It's Ghost Rider. I have no idea what ribic means)
Iron Man: House Of M #3 (Another crossover book well writen. Artwork is crap though.)
Supreme Power: Nighthawk #1 (I like Squadron Supreme. Sue me)
Ultimate Fantastic Four Annual # (I prefer Mark Millar to Warren Ellis. And even though Greg Land swipes from magazines, his art is still nice to look at)
Ultimate Spider-man #82 (The best Spider-book. Period.)
X-men: Colossus Bloodline #1 (My nephew likes Colossus. Sue him.)

It's my intention to post some reviews eventually. I read alot of comics and there is no way that I can review them all. But I will try to mention some that you should check out or avoid like the plague.

I'm red?

But I'm not a commie.

Legion of Super-Heroes #9

We're going to try something here. From now on I (Dominic) will post in blue, and Bill will post in red, so you can tell at a glance who posted what. If we decide it looks like crap, we'll change it. So, here we go...

I just got Legion of Super-Heroes #9 in the mail. (I subscribe.) I haven't read it yet, but the cover informs me that it is the Wizard Book of the Month! Suck on that, Lil' Avengers! Seriously though... since I haven't read it yet, let me just give a general review of the series.

I like this new book, Now normally "soft reboots," "Retcons," etc. really piss me off. I hated Superman: Birthright for example. I'm also not one of those who thought the Crisis was necessary because the multiverse was "too confusing." But let's face it. The Legion's history is not only long but ever since the crisis, it's been convoluted, confusing, and downright incomprehensible. I still don't understand what the final deal was with the whole Superboy/Mon-El/Lar-Gand/Valor thing. I blame John Byrne. Bearing that in mind, I can't really complain that DC decided to scrap the Legion and start over. In fact I'd have to agree that it was needed. Hey, It got me back on board.

This new legion has most of the old favorites, but has a slightly different flavor. If you haven't tried the book yet, here's the title page blurb-



This new Legion is not so much of a club as it is a movement, a youth movement. As in every age, the youth of the 30th century have little to no control over politics, society, or their own lives. The Legion mean to change that and they have the power to do so. Though there is the official membership with superpowers, any underager who calls themselves a Legionaire is one. Of course not everyone agrees on what the Legion stands for and what it means to be a Legionaire.

Legion of Super-Heroes is written by Mark Waid and normally drawn by Barry Kitson (#8 had a guest artist.) It's well written and well drawn. I give it 4 out of 5 Fanboy fans.