Serenity Now!
I saw Serenity yesterday. You should see it too. It's incredible.
Serenity is the follow up to Joss Whedon's short lived Sci-fi TV show, Firefly. If you didn't already know that, please deduct ten points form your geek quotient and report to the administrator for disciplinary action immediately.
Fans of Firefly will love Serenity, unless you are the kind of fan who doesn't like it when things change. You know who you are. You're the kind of fan who says things like, "Buffy and Angel should be together forever!" If you're that fan, you might not like it, because some things change- permanently. Joss Whedon has always cared more about telling a good story that makes you feel something than maintaining the status quo and pleasing fans who just want to see the same episode over and over. I won't say anymore than that. I don't want to give anything away.
If you haven't seen the show, I think they did a good enough job of explaining things so you won't be lost, but you'll like it more if you already know and care about the characters. So go rent, buy or borrow the Firefly dvd set.
The only draw back in the movie is that Jewel Staite who plays Kaylee has lost some weight. Joss asked her to put on a few pounds for the series. He wanted Kaylee to look like a girl who eats a few cheese burgers. Since the show ended, Jewel seems to have gone back to her normal weight and I guess Joss didn't ask her to put the pounds back on. She looked better before. She wasn't fat by any means. She just didn't look like a skinny little thing. Now she does. Adam Baldwin seems to have slimmed down some as well. He looks smaller and less intimidating.
I give Serenity 5 out of 5 fanboy fans.
Serenity: The Official Movie Website
As much as it pains me...I have to agree with Dominic...mostly.
Serenity is awesome. It was everything I wanted it to be..and more.
I really wish they could find a TV home for this. I would like to watch this every week.
But since they went to all this trouble to make this movie...I'll satisy myself with that. For now.
It started a little sluggish...
The wittiness of it didn't really catch up to the story for about 30 minutes or so..but once it did everything was back to normal...with a rougher edge.
The girl that plays River is just amazing...Summer really heartbreaking to watch. And she kicks ass. A funny combination I find incredibly appealing.
Nathan Fillion really takes the character away from the Han Solo clone that it could have become. I liked this guy when he was on Threee Guys and a Girl...but his work here transcends that. He really makes Malcolm Reynolds something more than a guy with a gun...and a spaceship.
Everybody did the job though. I could mention everyone individually...but who wants to read a post that long.
So...if you're still reading this, go see it.
As for the thinsg I disagree with Dominic about: Kaylee looks fine. She is slimmer than she was in the show. But it isn't distracting, unless, you are an uber-geek.
And Jayne is the same as he always was.
And before I end this mindless diatribe..I have to mention Chiwetel Ejiofor. He plays what is calling the Operative. And he is just brilliant. He is the best villaiin in movies in just years.
This is the best movie I have seen this year.
And I hate everything. Ask anybody.
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